
Sreekrishna Vadya Kalapeedom was started in 2002 and formally the organization registered in 2016. In the initial stages, this association was only organizing and participating in the Chenda Melam and Panjavadyam programs all over India, and later realized the need for voluntary organizational work in the field of temple instrumental arts and formed a fully official organization.On the 20th of January 2016, an association of musical artists called “Sree krishna Vadya Kalapeedom” was formally launched at Bharanganam Sree Krishna Swamy temple grounds in the presence of distinguished personalities.


During this period Vadya Kalapeedom has done many volunteer activities for temple arts and Temple Vadya artists. Various activities like free medical assistance, emergency financial assistance, blood donation and distribution of musical instruments are being done for artists. Kalapeedom was a great help to the artists who were unable to do any work during the Corona era and had no livelihood. Apart from this, Kalapeedom has done many activities like distribution of free kit, distribution of food, distribution of medicines, taking care of the patients who are staying at home through Corona Sena (A Cell that was created for Corona activities).


Many seminars, gatherings, study camps, refresher courses for students and discussions with many leading artists are being conducted for the advancement of Vadya Kalalokam.